
2011-11-28 00:00:00 by 【6yang】, 2112 visits, 收藏 | 返回

‘journeys: how travelling fruit, ideas and buildings rearrange our environment’ installation view at the CCA
© CCA, montréal

journeys: how travelling fruit, ideas and buildings rearrange our environment
the canadian centre for architecture (CCA), montreal
october 20, 2010 – march 13, 2011

the canadian centre for architecture opened their latest exhibition ‘journeys: how travelling fruit, ideas and buildings
rearrange our environment’ at the end of last month. this new exhibit looks at the impact of heightened global movement,
especially on the built environment. this themes is investigated through 15 narratives that explore different issues and
their impact. while all real, these narratives take some artistic license, adding fiction to these stories to further expand
on the impact from a personal perspective. the exhibit was designed by artist martin beck and graphic designer
alex dearmond. the show includes text, videos, images and models illustrating these 15 stories and will be accompanied
by a book co-published by the CCA with actar, barcelona.


‘journeys: how travelling fruit, ideas and buildings rearrange our environment’ installation view at the CCA
© CCA, montréal

‘journeys: how travelling fruit, ideas and buildings rearrange our environment’ installation view at the CCA
© CCA, montréal

‘journeys: how travelling fruit, ideas and buildings rearrange our environment’ installation view at the CCA
© CCA, montréal

‘journeys: how travelling fruit, ideas and buildings rearrange our environment’ installation view at the CCA
© CCA, montréal

‘journeys: how travelling fruit, ideas and buildings rearrange our environment’ installation view at the CCA
© CCA, montréal

‘journeys: how travelling fruit, ideas and buildings rearrange our environment’ installation view at the CCA
© CCA, montréal

‘journeys: how travelling fruit, ideas and buildings rearrange our environment’ installation view at the CCA
© CCA, montréal

‘journeys: how travelling fruit, ideas and buildings rearrange our environment’ installation view at the CCA
© CCA, montréal




